30/08/2013, Fabio → Iniziative internazionali sulla valutazione | Commenti (0)
Si segnala l'iniziativa di EvalPartners volta a promuovere il 2015 come l'anno internazionale della valutazione.
Evidence for the world we want. Using evaluation to improve people’s lives through better policy making
EvalYear, a Global Initiative of Coordinated Local Action Governments, international partners and civil society need to know how policies and programs shape the lives of people today and in future generations. Given this, EvalPartners is facilitating a global dialogue among regional and national evaluation actors, evaluation offices of International Organizations, including UN agencies and the World Bank’s IEG, OECD/DAC and developing countries, private foundations and other key stakeholders. The aim of the dialogue is to designate 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear) in order to advocate and promote evaluation and evidence-based policy making at international, regional, national and local levels.
EvalYear will be a catalyst for important conversations and thinking, at international, regional, national, and sub-national level, on the role of monitoring and evaluation in good governance for equitable and sustainable human development. Evaluation can enable leaders and civil society to develop and support better policies, implement them more effectively, safeguard the lives of people, and promote well-being for all. Evaluation can enable leaders to consider social, political, technical, financial factors, and make sure they are on the right path. Evaluation can help leaders report to their constituents honestly about the impact of their decisions, and listen to feedback from every group. However, if evaluation is to play these roles more dedicated effort, systems change, capacity building, and resources are required.
EvalYear will position evaluation in the policy arena, by raising awareness of the importance of embedding monitoring and evaluation systems in the development and implementation of the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals, and all other critical local contextualized goals, at the international and national levels. EvalYear is about taking mutual responsibility for policies and social action through greater understanding, transparency, and constructive dialogue.