29/06/2011 → Eventi
- Data e durata dell'evento: 03/11/2011, tre giorni
- Location: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Si terrà a Washington dal 3 al 5 novembre il convegno annuale dell'APPAM - Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. La conferenza sarà dedicato al tema: Seeking Solutions to Complex Policy and Management Problems. Sotto una breve introduzione agli argomenti che saranno discussi durante il convegno.
Today’s complex policy issues are characterized by changing constraints, greater uncertainty, multiple causes and frequently span political jurisdictions and national boundaries. Examples include poverty, migration, climate change, and access to fresh water. Interdependencies such as scarce energy resources, slow economic growth, evolving technologies, and inter-sectoral governance structures complicate the search for solutions. To succeed in this environment, policymakers and managers must define problems in ways that acknowledge multiple perspectives, interdependencies, and the likelihood of unintended consequences. In light of these complexities, they must invest in areas such as education, health care, science and technology, basic infrastructure, national security, social protection for vulnerable citizens. In this context, public policy and management researchers are tasked with providing concrete advice on the effectiveness of programs, laws, policies and managerial innovations.